We are recruiting young members of the community (eighth to tenth graders) to join LED!
Possible Task(s): Contact sponsor companies, apply to grants, create sponsorship prospectus
Prerequisite(s): Has good communication skills
Possible Task(s): Design posters, manage social media account(s), publicize LED’s events
Prerequisite(s): Knows how to use graphic design platform (canva)
Possible Task(s): Manage and update LED’s website, lead a tech-based project (see Saving Earth 2.0 for example)
Prerequisite(s): Knows basic programming skills and can work in teams
Possible Task(s): Write biweekly/monthly informative blogs, newsletters, and/or educational poems
Prerequisite(s): Has interest towards creative and educational writing
Every member (regardless of department) has the opportunity to contribute to or lead a LED project!